[Taiwanese][Big-5]Taiwanese (native), Taiwan Mandarin (fluent), Hakfa(70%), English(80%), Vietnamese (80%), Japanese (reading ab.)
Taiwanese linguistics, sociolinguistics, cultural anthropology, language planning, language, gender, ethnic group, and nationalism, the de-Sinicization in east Asia, post-colonial studies, writing systems of the world.
Language attitude toward written Taiwanese, the development and influence of Pehoeji, the anti-colonialism and language reform in Vietnam, and learning efficiencies of writing systems.
RECENT PRESENTATIONS view a complete list
2001 'Is Taiwanese bi Really the Same as English bee?' [PDF handout] Presented at the 34th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language & Linguistic, October 23-27, Kunming, China.
2001 'Language and ethnic identity in
Taiwan' Presented at the 7th Annual North
America Taiwan Studies Conference, June 23-25, University of Washington,
2001 'Missionary
scripts from Vietnam and Taiwan: comparisons and contrasts.' Presented
at the 11 th Conference of the Southeast Asian Linguistics
Society, May 16-18,
Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.
2001 'Tone change in Taiwanese: age and geographic
factors' [PDF
handout 0.2M] Presented at the 25th Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium,
March 3-4, University of Pennsylvania, PA.
2001 'Learning efficiencies of Han characters and Bopomo.' Presented at the 8th Annual UTA Student Conference in Linguistics, Feb 22-23, University of Texas at Arlington, TX.
2001 'Language, literacy, and nationalism in Vietnam and Taiwan.' Presented at the 2001 National Conference of the International Association of Asian Studies, Feb 12-17, Houston, TX.
2001 'Digraphia with and without
biliteracy: a case study of Taiwan.' [PDF
full text 0.2M] To be
presented at the Tenth Annual Graduate Student Conference on East Asia,
Feb 10, Columbia University, NY.
2000 'Language, literacy, and nationalism: a comparative study of Vietnam and
Taiwan.' [PDF
full text 0.5M] Presented at the 5th International Symposium on Languages and
Linguistics: Pan-Asiatic Linguistics, Nov. 16-17, Vietnam National University,
HCM, Vietnam.
2000 'Han character's influence on word perception.' Presented at the 9th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, June 26-28, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
2000 'Peh-oe-ji, a
childish writing?' [PDF
full text 0.5M] Presented at the 6th Annual North
America Taiwan Studies Conference, June 16-19, Harvard university.
2000 'Women, literacy, and missionaries: the sociolinguistics of Peh-oe-ji in Taiwan.' Presented at 7th Annual UTA Student Conference in Linguistics, Feb 24-25, University of Texas at Arlington, TX.
1999 'Taiwanese and Taiwan Mandarin tones: tonal drift?' [PDF handout 0.15M] Presented at 32nd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language & Linguistics, October 28-31, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
1999 'Language attitudes toward
Taibun, the written Taiwanese.' [PDF
full text 0.4M] Presented at the Linguistic Association of the
Southwest (LASSO) XXVIII
conference, October 1-3, University of Texas at San Antonio, TX.
1999 'Language attitudes toward Taibun, the written Taiwanese.' Presented at 5th
Annual North America Taiwan Studies Conference, June
4-7, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
1999 'The tonal
comparisons and contrasts between Taiwanese and Taiwan Mandarin.' Presented at 6th
Annual UTA Student Conference in Linguistics,
Feb 18-19, University of Texas at Arlington, TX.
1998 'The Influence of Hanji on Taiwanese
People's Linguistic Perception.' Presented at 4th Annual North America Taiwan Studies Conference, May 29-June 1,
University of Texas at Austin, TX.
1997 'The Process of Abolishing Hanji in
the Han Cultural Areas.' Presented at 3rd Annual North America Taiwan Studies Conference, May 30-June 1,
University of California at Berkeley, CA.
1997 'Language,
Identity and Nationalism:Comparative Discussion with Taiwan in the Case of Vietnam Which Changed Her Writing
System.' Presented at the Conference on the 50th Anniversary of '228' Incident,
Feb. 20-23, held by WUFI, San Diego, CA.
2001 'The ideology behind the current Pinyin controversy.' Invited talk, the summer camp of Taiwanese Collegian and Taiwanese American Association, June 28-July 1, Dallas, TX.
2000 'Taiwanese language and literature.' Invited talk by the Taiwanese American Association-Houston, Oct. 28, Houston, TX.
2000 'Current Pinyin issue.' Invited talk by the Taiwanese Student Association at Texas A & M University, Oct. 27.
2000 Speech Tour, arranged by Taiwanese Collegian, Spring 2000. [topic 1] [topic 2] [schedule]
1999 'Orthographic reforms in Hanji cultural areas.' Invited talk, the 5th World Taiwanese Language and Culture Camp, July 30-Aug.1, Honolulu, Hawaii.
1999 'Orthographic evolution in Taiwan: from Sinkang, Hanji, Peh-oe-ji, to contemporary Taibun issues.' Invited talk, the 1999 summer camp of Taiwanese Collegian, July 8-11, Columbus, Ohio.
1999 'Anti-Han movement in Asia.' Invited talk by the Taiwanese Student Association at Texas A & M University, Sept. 17.
1998 'Orthographic reforms in Vietnam.' Invited talk by the Taiwanese Student Association at University of Texas at Austin, Sept. 12.
Download all my research papers available online
1999 'Language attitudes toward Taibun, the written Taiwanese.' MA thesis: University
of Texas at Arlington. [abstract]
1996 'We Won't Achieve Independence Unless
We Abolish Hanji.' Collected in Haiang. Taipei: Taileh Press.
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Updated 04/26/06