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台灣話häm越南話pe°-pe°是有聲調ê孤立語,而且lóng bat用漢字做書寫系統。越南t„十六世紀末經由傳教士傳入羅馬字來書寫越南語;雖然羅馬字真早就出現,漢字的正統地位ㄧ直到二十世紀chiah hông打破t„ 1945年以後羅馬字chiah chiâ°-chò唯一的正式書寫系統。

本論文以語言學ê角度來比較分析台灣白話字häm越南羅馬字ê文字設計方案。基本上,即2套方案lóng是西方傳教士經由經驗傳承、集體創作出來ê音素文字(phonemic writing)。因為即2種語言lóng有聲調,所以lóng t„韻母téng-koân加區別符號(diacritics)來區別聲調。越南話因為語音比台灣話khah複雜,所以區別符號除了區別聲調之外,用來區別語音e種類。T„音素häm文字符號ê對應方面,白話字基本上是ㄧ對ㄧê模式,˜-kõh越南字大約有4分之1 ê音素是ㄧ對多ê方式。

整體來講,即2套文字lóng比漢字ke真簡單學、紀錄語音mä chin有效率。若認真beh比,白話字比越南羅馬字koh khah簡單有效率。




A Comparative Study of Taiwanese Peh-oe-ji and Vietnamese Chu Quoc Ngu

Wi-vun Taiffalo Chiung

The University of Texas at Arlington


Both Vietnam and Taiwan were introduced to the romanized writing systems by Western missionaries in the 17th century. In Vietnam, the romanized Chu Quoc Ngu system eventually replaced the traditional Chu Nom and Han characters and became the official national orthography in 1945. However, the use of romanization in Taiwan is still limited to church activities. Moreover, the later imported Han writing system is much more widely spread and has obtained dominant status in contemporary Taiwanese society. This paper examines the missionary scripts from Vietnam (Chu Quoc Ngu) and Taiwan (Peh-oe-ji) in terms of linguistics and sociolinguistics.

How romanization works and how efficient it is were analyzed. Compared to the Han system, romanization is much more efficient to learn to read and write. Less than the 26 letters of the roman script were used to represent the full range of speech in Vietnamese and Taiwanese. Generally speaking, their design each symbol was assigned to its corresponding phoneme. Because both Vietnamese and Taiwanese are tone languages, several diacritic marks were devised and added to the top or bottom of vowels to indicate different tones. Four other diacritic marks were also devised to distinguish different phonemes in Vietnamese. In Taiwanese orthography, a hyphen "-" is added between syllables in a word, such as Peh-oe-ji. But a hyphen is not normally used in Vietnamese orthography. The crucial weakness of these two systems is the problem of homophones. Although both Chu Quoc Ngu and Peh-oe-ji are efficient from the perspective of literacy, different political backgrounds have contributed to different outcomes of romanization in Vietnam and Taiwan.

Keywords: Peh-oe-ji, romanization, Chu Quoc Ngu, missionary